final project
studio workshops
research topics
remix culture
CutUp is a collaborative group of artists in London that attempt to disrupt and reorder the urban landscape by means of exploring new territories of intervention and re-appropriating established visual forms. Much of their work is done in the name of play. “Our definition of play is to deliberately break the rules and invent our own, thus freeing creative activity from restrictions, to redesign aesthetic and revolutionary actions that undermine or elude social control.” – CutUp, 2006. CutUps’ practice incorporates collage, film and installation and focuses largely on the creative potential of the street as a site for interventionist art, disruption and disquiet as discussed by Walter Benjamin and the Situationists. They reclaim existing spaces like street furniture, billboards and advertising without adding anything new, recycling what was there already. CutUps billboard and bus stop works are created by slicing up an advert and reassembling the pieces into a newly ordered image.
CUTUP are an underground group of artists who operate from London. They work with multiple media but usually involving some sort of poltical statement. The intentionally break rules and put themselves in the public eye to be criticised as this will give them the ability to really question standards. Mentioned in a lecture I am very like their work and the quality of what they have achieved is high, pleasing to the eye and challenging to behold.
"Before they adopted software tools in the 1990s, filmmakers, graphic designers, and animators used completely different technologies. Therefore, as much as they were influenced by each other or shared the same aesthetic sensibilities, they inevitably created differently looking images. Filmmakers used camera and film technology designed to capture three-dimensional physical reality. Graphic designers were working with offset printing and lithography. Animators were working with their own technologies: transparent cells and an animation stand with a stationary film camera capable of making exposures one frame at a time as the animator changed cells and/or moved background."
Lev Manovich (2006)